Friday, December 24, 2010

Baking Busy-ness

I made it through the two hectic days of school to have two hectic days of baking. My kids and Rob helped me some too. :) We made lots of yummy treats to give away to neighbors, some restaurant workers, and a couple of the kids' friends' families.

So Rachael shared these DELICIOUS photos and recipes of Mounds candy. OH MY WORD, they looked good. I tried them and they are as good/better than they look!!!! Barbara and I made them- I rolled the balls and she added pecans.
Our table was covered in them! :)
Matthew helped me with melting the chocolate and dipping all those balls of coconut goodness.
Then the rest of the family got in on the action.
Rob even tried to dip some other things in the chocolate. :)
Rach, they are SOOOOOOOOOOOO good! Thank you for sharing the recipe. I love them!
These go by other names, but in our house, I've called them "snowball" cookies for years. Here they are on the pan ready to bake and then finished below. Probably my favorite cookie!
Who can forget pumpkin??? Pumpkin breads for neighbors and Trang's family and Rita's family. Plus a loaf or two for our Christmas morning brunch.
And my ever favorite dessert in the whole world- pumpkin pie! And, look Momma, these turned out pretty! :) No lopsided pie this time. :) hahaha


  1. All those goodies look divine!!! Looks like a fun time too :)

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Excellent photos and great cooking. I really enjoy reading your blog

  3. Hm, if it weren't for the snow, I'd be on my way down to have some of those awesome goodies! ;o)

    When we have chocolate left over, we begin looking for other things to dip in the chocolate as well...:oP

    Many hands make light work, no? :o)

  4. And Rach, you'd be SOOO welcome! If you ever come back to NC, I hope you will stop by good ol' G'boro to visit!
