Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Random Ramblings

Today is my first day off from "the crazy place." :) :) :) Matthew and I got up and did the grocery run- Save-a-Lot and Walmart. My pantry is stocked up with lots of good food and tons of baking supplies. In a very little bit, I am going to start baking cookies and treats to take to our neighbors, Matthew's ENT, and to the Burger King morning crew. Long story, but there is a very sweet lady & man that work at a Burger King, and I promised them cookies. They were seriously excited! Funny, how little things can mean a lot.

As I paid for my food, I whispered a prayer to God- "Thank you Father for a job, for a way to provide food and other things I/my family want." If I hadn't gotten paid early I couldn't have gotten the food we needed and wanted. I was reminded of our past life when we went hungry sometimes and ate mostly ramen noodles. SOOOO thankful for God's help in our lives- then and now! Getting paid early is a nice treat, one which will bite me in the rear next month when we are tight again, but like Scarlett O'Hara, I won't think about that today- I'll think about that tomorrow. :)

I'm also going to think tomorrow or some other day or maybe never about the stupid teacher evaluation garbage our principal just emailed out. So sick of work! Now on top of everything else we have to do, we have to do our own evaluations too. And we are told we are working on being merely "developing" or "proficient." Yeah, because teachers are such rotten human beings now in our society and the reason for EVERY ill in the country. It isn't possible that we could actually be accomplished at what we do. I have to tell you, honestly, that being the scapegoat of society is not going to be fun, and that's what it feels like as a public school teacher right now. But this is another rant for another day, if I can ever get my ideas and thoughts organized I might write it. If not, well, Scarlett is my hero, so enough! :) hahahaha

I'm off to bake cookies! Hope you are having a great week!

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