Sunday, December 12, 2010

I miss it here.

Life got so crazy busy this school year, and I miss having time to journal, blab, and post photos here. Hope that gets better soon.

I just popped on here to check in on a couple blog friends and need to head to bed now. I am officially done with another semester of grad school! :) Hooray! and Whew!

Have most of my Christmas shopping done and wrapped. The school kids' gifts are done, just waiting on a package to come from dear Shoozles. I will post a photo later this week of the wonderful charms she made for my kids. Michelle is terrific!!!! I gave her a rough (very rough) idea of what I wanted, and she designed, created, and hand-painted these lovely little glass charms with the sign language sign for "I love you." I am giving them to all my students plus some other kids who are very special to me. If I had enough $ I'd give them to every kid in the school, but I'm not rich so I'll have to just wish. :)

I have most of my family's shopping done and groceries in until break begins. It's the 12th of December, and we're about broke, but we have food through the 21st, the bills are paid, and we have some gifts for our kids- not a ton, but enough. I am thankful for all we are blessed with- especially the non-material things we have that you can't put a price on.

Hope you have a wonderful, joy-filled week wherever you are!

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