Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Daddy, do you know?

Do you know up there in heaven, that you're a grandpa again? Does God let you see anything of our lives without you? Does He show you the important things to us? Do you ever think of us girls or Momma?

Do you know that Jessica is a great mommy already, and she's just started on this journey? Do you know that your grandkids are amazing people- all four of them?

I don't understand the workings of heaven so I have no clue if you get to see us or even remember us or think of us up there. And I'm pretty sure that God doesn't show you stupid blogs of silly people like me, but I wanted to tell you that you are still loved and thought of all these years later. Your girls still wish you were a part of their lives and now their children's lives.



  1. I truly believe those that have gone before us get to peek in on us and see how we're doing, what's happening in our lives.

    It brings me comfort to think of that.

  2. Momma8:38 PM

    Bible says the angels in heaven rejoice when one soul comes to Christ. So - the ones in heaven I believe hear of the good news down here. I think Lonnie is probably rejoicing in Zoe's birth - and his other four grandchildren - probably with Grandpa Gerling and Grandma.
