Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Early Morning Ramblings of an Overtired Crazy Lady :)

I am having the ever lovely insomnia problem again lately. So this morning, I decided to just get up, quit lying there awake, and come say hello since I haven't been on in a few days. I had a big research paper due in my class this past weekend, so I was working like crazy on that plus I continue to try to keep afloat with school work, and I am still walking almost every night.

I hit a wall or something last night. Robert was teasing me at supper; he said I looked like I could hardly lift the food to my mouth, and that was about the truth. I didn't do a thing for college or work or anything else last night and got in bed at 9:15. I don't feel too hot, not sure if it's just the lack of sleep or a bug. Today's going to be hard.

I am eagerly awaiting news from home about Baby M. Hopefully soon he/she will be making their big debut into the world. I am so happy for Jessica & Scott and for my parents who will be wonderful grandparents to him/her! I look forward to seeing some photos of little man/woman. I wish I could be there. My sister and Momma say how I'll be important in this kid's life, and I know I will to some extent. But honestly, I will mostly be a stranger, and that hurts. Yeah, I'll be the aunt that they get to come spend the summers with someday maybe, and of course I'll do neat things with him/her. But I won't get to see him/her on a regular basis, go to the ballgames, concerts, recitals, school programs. I won't really be part of that life, and it makes me sad. I will not dwell on it, and I don't want to have a pity party. It is a time to celebrate!

So for now, I think I'll try to catch a few minutes of snooze or relaxation hopefully before the alarm tells me it's time to start the day officially. Another full day of laughing with my kids, learning about fractions and figurative language and then another lovely afternoon of meetings.

My :) List for the past few days:
  • I persevered through that horrible paper! Now on to another pile of homework assignments, readings, postings, and the next big project due in two weeks, and hopefully soon I can start the capstone portfolio and studying for my capstone exam.
  • Continuing to walk, stretching it out a little further again- baby steps. I'm working on being healthier, and in April I will be walking in a 5K for one of my special friends, Matthew. I've never done that so it will be exciting, and I want to do a good job for him too!
  • My sister is going to have a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am an Aunt Rebekah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This makes me very, very, very happy!
  • Having a colleague in your corner, a compatriot, or maybe we're just fellow partners in crime- hehehehe- whatever way you look at it, I'm so thankful God put someone else new in my corner this year. It helps to not be the only "newbie," especially when the others think we stink.
  • I may be getting to spend some time with my best friend, just the two of us, for his birthday. That will be so nice!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You have a heavy load right now, friend. I'm not surprised the insomnia is back. You hang in there.

