Saturday, March 12, 2011

God be with them.

Father, please be withe people of Japan in these days. They need You. They need help, wisdom, peace and comfort. You are the source of all that. Help the Japanese people to have the love and support of the world and to see You through this tragedy.

Help us Americans to see past our own difficulties and reach out to the world in time of need. Help us to not get bogged down in the politics, the ugliness, the tensions and bickerings of our day, but to see past our own problems and help.



  1. And, again I say, Amen.

    I'm so devastated by the events of the past few days, and by some of the thoughtless, heartless, cruel, ugly, stupid and racist remarks I've seen. :sigh:

    Prayers are the best i have to offer.

  2. Yeah, I was too when I saw some this weekend. And from Christians no less. I don't get it. I thought the Good Book said that He was no respecter of persons, that He so loved the world....

    IDK :(
