Wednesday, March 02, 2011


Seventeen years ago I stepped into a public school classroom as a teacher for the first time. I was 23, a mother of three (ages 1, 3, 4), and excited but terrified at the same time. I had no clue what would come my way, the wide range of experiences I would get, the things I would see, or the places I would go. I didn't have any idea how much my heart would love the kids and families or how hard the heartbreaks would be or the amount of tears I would shed over things I saw/heard.

This year has, without a doubt, been the hardest one of my teaching life. I know I will only survive it with God's help, and without Him, I'd be having a nervous breakdown. To be honest, I really feel some burnout, but I know this is what God made me to be.

My very sweet parents had a beautiful flower bouquet delivered today to my school for my teachiversary. :) (I loved that word as soon as I made it up today!) I will post a photo tomorrow. It is full of pretty yellow & white daisies and other flowers and came in a cute yellow happy face mug! It was such a bright spot in a really rough day filled with a lot of behavior issues. Thanks Momma & Pop for the flowers, but most of all for being proud of me and for supporting me and what I do each day. It helps to know you are behind me!!! I'd never make it without the love & help of God, Rob, my parents, and my kids!!!

Here's to wherever the road is leading me next! As long as I have God guiding me, I know it will all work out for good. (I have to be honest, though, and admit that I wouldn't be upset if the path gets a little smoother- ;) wink, wink).

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