Sunday, April 17, 2011

God so loved the world...

Yesterday there were severe storms here in NC (and throughout the Southeast). According to the news, this is the worst outbreak of storms and tornadoes here in 30+ years. At least 20 people died from the tornadoes in NC yesterday.

Today, as I was looking on a weather website, I saw a few comments about God's judgement on people as they talked about those storms and the people who died from them. One person even said, "God didn't like the people who died."

May I just say that makes me just really, really sad and mad all at the same time? Because it does. I am not God. I won't even pretend to know how His mind works or why He does what He does or allows what He allows. But seriously???? I'm pretty sure the Bible says "For God so loved the world that He sent His only Son..."

Unless I'm mistaken, those people that died, or the people who died in Japan's earthquake/tsunami, or the people who died in the tsunami a few years ago, or the people who died or are still suffering in Haiti or the people who have died in any other number of natural disasters or tragedies, or the people who just die because they get cancer or are in the wrong place at the wrong time....

ALL those people were part of the "world" God so loved. So maybe God is sending judgement, I don't know. But to say that He didn't love those people is just biblically wrong. At least in my opinion. I'm so tired of Christians and those "well-meaning" people who say those stupid things out in public or, even worse, to the hurting who are left behind after these things.

Maybe God did it, maybe God allowed it, maybe it had nothing to do with God at all, but was instead just part of the world/nature. Either way, I'm pretty sure God loves the people (all the people in the world) and it pains Him to have hard things happen to the ones He loves.

Perhaps if we all stopped trying to make bad things some one's fault, and just tried to comfort those who are hurting, help those who are injured, house those who are homeless, love those who are lonely, maybe the world would be a better place. Maybe we'd hurt people less and do more for the God we are trying to live for.

Just my thoughts tonight on the day after a rainy, stormy day.


  1. I ♥ this Rebekah. It is so true....we know in the end there will be storms and terrible destruction, but I cannot recall that it says anywhere in the Bible that I as a Christian will will be spared because I am a believer. Bad things happen to Good people all the time....Bad things happen period. Instead of judging these"Christians" need to show God's love and reach out and help those in need. We were not sent to judge...There is Only One judge....we were sent to do unto Christ said When you do these things to the least you have done them unto me. That should be "our" Christian show God's love with compassion and help. Not judgement....when I think of those that are so quick to judge I think of the Pharisees.

  2. last paragraph = great theology and you can't argue b/c it's Micah 6:8 well said
