Monday, May 16, 2011

EOG week- Day 1 is done

I am wiped out! We did a very short survey questions section today, and then my class worked on a service project. They enjoyed it, and as always it was nice to make others smile. Hope that lesson sticks in my kids' minds!!! The kids, Barbara, and I made and delivered over 80 little paper cones filled with candy and a thank you note for all the staff at our school and the bus drivers.

After school Barbara helped me (THANK YOU sweetheart!!!!) finish emptying my walls and spaces of everything. Personally, I find the level of sterile-ness we are told we have to go to absolutely ridiculous, but I have to comply. The new seating arrangement is set, desks moved, and I just have to cover the bookshelves in the morning and we're set for the big, bad EOG. I'm really nervous about messing up and getting in trouble, but praying I can do this. More nervous for my kids and praying they do their best and that all of our hard work will be enough. It's in God's and the kids' hands now. I've given it my all.

Matthew is headed to MEPS next Monday, and hopes to finish the medical exam now that the tube was removed from his ear. If he passes that small part of the medical, then he'll be swearing into the United States Army sometime next Tuesday afternoon. He goes to the recruiter this Wednesday to do paperwork for that and get his job assignment.

Between the enlistment/child leaving home/graduation emotions and the stress at work with the EOG and everything else, my brain played a mean trick on me last night. I woke up in the night from a nightmare about my daddy. He hasn't bothered me in my sleep for a while, and though I did love my daddy, I HATE when I dream about him because it's never good. It's weird how the mind works and how stress, lack of sleep, milestones, life events.... can all work in the mind and produce strange dreams. This was definitely one. I hope this doesn't happen again tonight; I need to sleep and I need to be at my best tomorrow. Mostly I wish I didn't dream about him.

I'm tired, really, really tired. Going to read through my test booklet for tomorrow, take a shower, and try to sleep in the recliner tonight for my poor old, hurting back.

Hope you had a great Monday.


  1. Momma8:16 PM

    So sorry about the bad dream! Praying the EOG week continues to go okay.

    Love you!

  2. Summer is almost here! You are doing a great job! :)

  3. I just wanted you to know I've been praying for you and your students. Praying so very hard. This is a difficult time of year anyhow, and piling EOGs on top is just icing on the cake. :oS

    Hang in there and know we love ya! :o)

    Hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs!! :o)

  4. Thank you all very, very much! I love you and thankful for you in my life!!!!
