Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer Projects

I don't know why exactly but I'm sure not being my normal self. I mean, I usually come on here and write boring stuff from my life pretty regularly. I know the two people who used to come by here probably really miss my boring life. :) hahahahahaha I seriously think I was/am burnt out, and I am actually concerned about that, but it's not what I really want to think about or deal with right now, so moving on... :)

Anywhoo, here is a photo of a project I started - well I'm embarrassed to admit this- but two years ago. It was going to be a Barbara and me project, but then she didn't want to do it and grad school started and work became insane... I've worked on it a bit here and there, but finally I'm getting it done!
It's a homemade braided rag rug. I cut the cloth myself, and had to make one HUGE, long braided strip. It is seriously long- I should have measured it before I started. :) Now I am sewing it together. This is what I have gotten sewed today- after I had to rip it apart and start over when it wasn't staying put the way I wanted.

This is a project Barbara and I worked on together too. We practiced our sewing by making Zoe a grocery cart seat cover for when she goes shopping with her momma. :) It's got lots of mistakes too, but I was happy with how it turned out for my first attempt. Thanks Jessica for letting me/us practice on you and Zoe! :)
I am also working on making baskets. My cousin, Pam, taught Barbara, Regina (another cousin who came to see me and brought Pam with her), and me how to make them. The first one is full of mistakes, but I'll share photos soon. I'm making a new one now with the prettiest blue prints. Hoping it turns out better! I bought "teacher" fabric and am going to try to make small teacher baskets too to give to the new art teacher at our school and then use as gifts or something.

I miss being on here, and need to get back to it. I guess I just was tired, have been being relaxed (or a bum- depending on how you want to look at it), and feeling kind of "blah" after graduation, dealing with continued run-around from the Army, and family being here and the loneliness that comes after they're gone. Most of all, though, I've just truly relaxed and been with my family and enjoyed this time. It's the first summer in years I haven't worked summer school, babysat, or tutored and it has been sooo nice. Tough on our finances, but oh so wonderful to be home with my loves and just be me. I'm sure going to hate going back to reality. Like Scarlett O'Hara, I'm not going to think about that today. I'll think about that tomorrow. Maybe. :)

Beka :)

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