Saturday, October 08, 2011


I miss being here! Teaching two grades sure is a lot of work, and I am going solid every night and most of the weekends. When I go back to just teaching one grade, I am not sure I'll know what to do with myself. :) But I'm keeping up, staying pretty organized, keeping my classroom looking nice... thanks to a lot of work on my part and two pretty AWESOME young people who volunteer in my room a couple days a week each. :) :) :) Thank you Barbara Rose and Matthew!!!!! I have a great group this year, and we are off to a great start. It will soon be the end of the 1st quarter already! :)

Rob and I took a mini-retreat to Asheville last weekend. We had to do schoolwork in our hotel room, but it was so nice! I have a love affair with the mountains I tell you!!!! We got up on Saturday and ate breakfast at the hotel and walked around downtown A'ville- such a neat place. I got a start on a few Christmas items too- can't wait to send my niece her gifts for her 1st Christmas! :)

I'm having some issues with my back- an ongoing problem for a few years now, but finally maybe I'm going to get some help and hopefully some healing. I started physical therapy this week, though I cried all the way home because I can't afford to do it. He says I need to come 2-3 times a week (at $65 a visit- YIKES!!!). I won't be doing that, but hopefully he can still help me. I also see a surgeon this week for the removal of a tumor in my back. The p.t. doc says that has to be causing some of my problems, so hopefully I'll feel better down the road.

My smiles lately include:
  • taking time to get away with my hubby/best friend
  • the mountains- God sure made a BEAUTIFUL world!!!!
  • fall is here!
  • getting back my "groove" in the classroom- thought it was gone forever, but it's coming back, and for that I'm more thankful than I can possibly say :)
  • refinancing our house - thank You God for a home after all these years and the opportunity to lower our payment too
  • Saturday grocery trips with one of my young people- LOVE that time just them and me. Matthew and I always play this guessing game as to the final price of our cart. Barbara and I always pick on each other while we check out. Whoever is with me, we always make the cashiers laugh and smile. :) I like doing that!
  • weekends home with my family- my haven from all the craziness of life
  • phone calls from my Momma- she doesn't know how much I love that!
  • leaving phone messages for my Momma at her work on my way to school- knowing it will be the beginning of her workday when she gets them :)

1 comment:

  1. Momma1:46 PM

    I'm so glad you had that weekend with Rob!!! I appreciate those phone message at work too! Make my day start off great!
