Monday, January 30, 2012


Please pray for my mother-in-law.  She's been having health problems and is not feeling well.  She spent about a week in the hospital earlier this month and has had just about every test known to man run it seems with more to come.  Thank you!

Other stuff for tonight:

  • Two days of half day "data meetings"-I don't like to attend meetings that leave me feeling "Ugghhh."  Teaching children- I LOVE! :) The education system leaves me just tired and disgusted. :(
  • Went back to the ortho doc today.  I'm on medicine now to heal up the inflammation/infection in my ankle and have been put back in the ugly, uncomfortable brace to immobilize my ankle.  If it's not better in three weeks, I'll be getting cortisone shots and maybe an even prettier walking cast/boot.
  • Three more hours and we will have made it to payday.  Is it bad that I am counting hours until payday? :)
  • One of my second graders brought me a pint of grape tomatoes today- her parents let her buy it for me because she knows I love tomatoes.  :)  Cute, sweet, funny. :)  I do so love my kids!!!!  
  • My kids have had a little trouble completing their work the past couple weeks with the "testing" phase going on in our room.  I told them they couldn't pick on me anymore until they started getting their work completed- a real motivator for some of them.  We have a mutual pick-on-each-other thing in my room. :)  They LOVE to pick on me- punch buggies, calling me "Rebekah" (they think that's just awesome), sticking their tongues out at me, "stealing" my lunch bag or cell phone or other stuff. :)  Today one of them said, "Oh yeah, we can't pick on you yet.  I'm GOING to get my work done this week so I can pick on you again!" :) :) :)  Too funny!
Well, I'm off to pack up for tomorrow and try to be crashing by 10 PM for a change. :) Night world!

Hope the week is good to you wherever you are!  Praying for many of you!

Rebekah :)

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