Sunday, January 01, 2012


Rob and I are thrilled that we got to be back home for Zoe's first Christmas.  Zoe is our niece- our first, much anticipated, and much adored niece.  It hurts to be so far away from her and not be a part of her day-to-day life, so this was a special treat for us.
I'll try to not bore you to death or make your eyes bleed from photo overload, but I can't hardly restrain myself.  Here are some of my favorite "Zoe" pictures from Christmas.

Let's start with this cute video.  Zoe was not too sure about all of us big people of course.  On that first night we were there, though, she was fascinated with Robert and all his hair. :)

Zoe, Meet Your Hairy Cousin from Rebekah Thomas on Vimeo.

My Momma and her pride & joy, Zoe. :)
 I know I'm partial, but isn't she a cutie?!? :)
 Our oldest, Robert with his cute cousin.  I love their faces in this photo. :)

 She was, as all babies are, more interested in the wrapping paper than the gift. :)
My sister, Jessica with her sweet baby.  For some reason, I didn't take any photos of Scott.  Sorry about that, Sis.  Not sure why that is???
 Zoe is looking up at Uncle Rob.  He wanted a photo of her with his Cardinals blanket.
 On our last day together these two cousins decided to get together finally.  Zoe smiled at Matthew while we were there, and was mesmerized by his height.  Matthew is timid of Zoe because he is so big and she is so little.  I loved these pictures of them together.
 This is my favorite!!!!  She just tucked up to him and grinned so big.  So precious!

 getting tired 

  sleeping beauty
Love how Papa and Zoe are looking at each other here.

 blurry photo- but Robert and Zoe were laughing so hard together- it was adorable
 Zoe wanted to put Barbara's necklace in her mouth.  She just kept sticking it in Barbara's mouth and laughing.
 fascinated by Barbara's face
 Zoe kept playing with Matthew's chain and the ring he put on it.
 tickle time!

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