Monday, March 19, 2012

love the ones you're with

I haven't written anything in quite a while.  I've been swamped with work (teaching two grades is a lot of work, just so you know) :).  I've had more issues with my stupid ankle and what appeared to be a gall bladder attack.  Between those I've spent more time in a dr.'s office then I care to say. :) 

And mostly, I have just felt quieter of late.  Nothing important to share, no deep thoughts (Sis, I went back to the shallow end to splash and play). :)

My mother-in-law died this past weekend, and the past two weeks have just been hard.  That's the short version.  I don't feel like the long version today.  This experience is definitely teaching me a lot- not sure where I'll file all this new knowledge though- probably in the "this stinks" file.

I've always felt like I am too "clingy" with the ones I love, and I probably bug them to death with all my "I love you's" and talking too much, and I know my kids probably wish I didn't hug them so much.  I don't mean to be a pain, it's just that I learned very young that no one is guaranteed tomorrow.  When my daddy died, I was 11 and I found out that you can't always say goodbye or tell someone one last time, "I love you."  Now I see that even when you do get to say goodbye or I love you, you still wish you could say more.

So family, I'm sorry, but you're stuck with this clingy, hugging, big mouthed, "I love you" ten million times person.  Because when my time comes, I want you to KNOW in your heart that I loved you, that I was proud of you, that I thought more of you than I could ever say, that I will always love you, that you were important to me, and that I will not forget you in heaven.  I don't want to get to heaven with regrets, and I don't want you to have any either.

I know they won't all see this, but I am saying it here anyway.  Rob, Robert, Barbara, Matthew, Momma-mine, Pop, Daddy (though you're in heaven, still), Jessica, Scott, and Zoe- I LOVE YOU.

Hug your family today and tell them you love them. 

1 comment:

  1. Momma9:55 PM

    You can tell me you love me any time you want to. Hope you know how much I love you!!!!!
