Thursday, January 02, 2014

Christmas Break 2013 Memories

I've been pretty sick the past few weeks, our oldest son was on call Christmas week, our two youngers were working, and our "fake" daughter- as I jokingly & lovingly call her- had to spend time with her family, of course, so this holiday season was a little different. But Rob & I are trying to find/build new traditions as we transition to a new phase in our lives.  I tried to focus on the good things and this break had good times.

I am not proud of having let myself become such a pile of goo, but I have worked VERY VERY hard this past year to fix that situation.  Today I decided to brave my closet and chest of drawers and see what I could say goodbye to.  I was nervous and this was a lot more emotional than I thought it would be.  I cannot believe how much smaller I am!!!!   The scale doesn't show as much loss as the clothes do, and wow, do they.  I am posting a couple photos of things that used to be tight/quite snug on me and now they are hanging off me like crazy.  I filled a big box with clothes that I have "ungrown."  What a feeling- I don't think I can begin to describe it.

Cleaned out a bunch of my teacher books - boy, has teaching changed over the last few years!!!  These two boxes are going to my sister back in Illinois to see if she can use any of the ideas/information in homeschooling my little niece, Zoe. :)  I apologize for the messy bedroom in the background- I was in the middle of this and the clothes- I always do six million things at once. :)

Movie time with my kids- this is something we have done for years and years- a movie on break.  So glad I could get the three kids together to go see the 2nd part of the Hobbit.  We missed Rita though!

My friend, Kristen, invited us over for chili and cornbread.  Rob drove me down since I was not feeling too hot, and we had a nice evening of talk and my pal, Elizabeth, and I enjoyed talking and playing.

Rob made several fires for me over break to enjoy while I tried to rest and relax. :)

Went to see our son on Christmas Day and met up at the Flying J truck stop so we could see him since he was on call.

 Silly son and mom :)
 The girls made some cookies with me :)
New Year's Eve was nice too- I didn't get photos, but Robert came and spent the night with us. Matthew and Robert watched movies with Rob and me.   Best visit ever!!!  We went out to breakfast together the next morning and to Barnes & Noble too.

Now it's time to go back to work.  I miss my students, and do so love teaching, but the reform movement, the constant pressures and testing/assessment shtick, and the amount of time I put into my work are all really draining me.  I have to be honest, I really don't want to go back to work.  Hope this feeling gets better by next Monday. :)  Not feeling well probably isn't helping that, and I need that situation to get resolved as well because, though I joke about it, I really don't have time for health issues with work, grad school, and my healthy life-journey/daily gym visits.  My body just needs to get it together. :)

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