Saturday, January 11, 2014

Here I go! My last semester (for now anyway) of graduate studies :)

Just realized this morning as I begin the new term that five months from today is graduation day.  I felt like doing something fun and silly for myself to help mark that time so when I am totally overwhelmed with the work/grad school/gym/life thing in about a month or two I can look at this and visualize something good. :)

I am going to have a master's degree- WOW! That is something I never, ever pictured in my life.  I remember telling people I would never do that, (and I do quote myself), "I'm not smart enough to get a master's!"  Well, here I go- five more months until I prove myself wrong! :)

And the little added extra bonus for me is that I think I've got all my kids coming out to Illinois from NC to cheer for me.  And the little added extra bonus for my momma is that I will graduate on Mothers' Day so we'll all be together one more time.  Kinda cool Mothers' Day gift for us all! :)

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