Friday, October 17, 2014


I hesitate to post this.  Some of it is silly, really silly.  Much of it is extremely personal.  Some of it I don't want to share with anyone; I want to keep some things to myself.  I don't expect anyone to understand some of these; they truly are corny I know.  But they are mine and they make sense to me.

As I started this journey I had lots of things I wanted to see/do/happen.  Some I thought could become reality.  Others I thought would be nice but didn't hold my breath.  Then there were some goals I wished for but didn't think I could do.  As I work my way to a healthier weight, some of these have happened, are close to happening or maybe will someday.  I'm also going to have to put some of these to the side or change my goals.  I'm learning to be okay with all of that too.  All the blue goals have been accomplished.

Specific weight goals-

  • weigh less than 300 pounds
  • long term- weigh less than 200 pounds
  • lose 100 pounds
  • Now I'm thinking about the possibility of me losing 200 pounds (that's a VERY recent thing for me)
  • Drop ___ pant sizes
  • Drop to a size ___
  • Be able to close my jacket/sweater
  • Buy new clothes because I have "ungrown" my clothes instead of outgrown
  • Be able to buy clothes in a "regular person" store (Walmart, Target, Kohl's)
  • buy new underwear (going to do that this weekend!) :)

    Little things that you might not think of

    • have my car door ajar light go off when I sit in the car instead of always being on because my big hips are in the way
    • be able to fit into the chairs at the doctor's office
    • be able to fit into public seating at the ballpark/theater/etc.
    • someday be able to ride carnival rides with my niece and future grandkids
    • be able to sit on the floor with my students again for storytime or to play a game
    Exercise goals- Really, these are all things I have added as I worked with my trainer and realized that I could really do more than I knew!  I never even knew I could do a lot of this!
    • be able to do 100 situps/crunches
    • be able to do pushups
    • be able to run (I have to let this one go due to serious arthritis and future knee replacements)
    • being able to plank & side plank for more than 1 minute (who knew I could do that?)
    • being able to workout in classes with other fit/more fit people & not be a total embarrassment to myself
    • have some coordination
    • dance with at least some level of decent balance/footwork/grace- not ever going to be amazing, but I'd love to not look a fool :)

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