Monday, March 11, 2024

Daylight Savings You Suck!

 Oh, how I hate the time changes.  Why can't we just pick a time and stick with it?  Today was the SLOWEST day ever in my life as a teacher.  SOOOOOO slooooooooooow.  I thought it would never end.  

I introduced the children to Hugo Cabret today. 😁  They were excited to start reading that with me!  And the leprechaun is up to lots of tricks.  I usually really enjoy that.  Today I started questioning my sanity a bit, but the kids are SOOOO into it, and it is really cute how much they believe it! 😂

And then my counselor cancelled today's session.  I was almost in tears. I am going to bed now.  Hopefully tomorrow will see me more rested and in a better frame of mind.

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