Thursday, May 24, 2007

Stop the World, I Want to Get Off

I'm so tired and GROUCHY!!!!!!!!!! I am sick of school & a certain baseball coach right now, and sick to death of people who scream and yell and treat kids lousy!!! My throat hurts, my foot hurts, and I've hurt my finger somehow. My cell phone won't work right, and my glasses sit crookedly on my face so I look like a complete moron. :) My desk is completely (I exaggerate not) covered and there are piles on the floor all under and around my desk. Stuff is starting to slide off, but I can't get it cleaned after school because we keep having stupid meetings and then I have to leave to pick up my kids from school. On top of all that, I'm really homesick after talking to both my parents tonight. I want to crawl into bed and pull the blankets up to my chin, close the door, turn on the fan to drown out the noise and just stay there. I can't even say to myself, "summer is almost here, and I can relax." I will be working two sessions of summer school this summer plus taking on the grade level chair/leadership position (no extra pay; lots of extra hassle & work) and trying to get mentor training to be a mentor this fall, not to mention my usual summer planning & prep work that gets done to be ready for the fall & a new school year.

Right now, I feel like I stink! If I didn't have to live with myself, well I wouldn't want to right now. I feel like such a grouch on the inside. I'm trying not to let it show on the outside, but I don't think I'm doing a good job of it.

Stop the world! I really want to get off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. ha ha the desk thing...ha ha that's so's all better now :)
