Wednesday, August 08, 2007

First Day of Work

I survived my first day back, and although I didn't feel "enthused," it was an okay day. Matthew came with me (God bless him!) and helped me move furniture and get things started on their way to being set up. I will be working my tail off to get it done by Friday with having to meet daily to get plans laid out and work out details.

So, on my first day back to work, I quickly fell right into the school year pattern:
  • get up early
  • go to work
  • come home (only today I didn't have to go pick kids up from school or sports practice or an event or take them to work- so it was completely normal)
  • take a quick peak at the mail & bills & check email
  • cook a quick dinner
  • take kids to work & church
  • while kids are at youth group, spend TOO much time at walmart getting school supplies & snacks at two different stores for Kindercamp
  • coming home from work/church & it's now 10:15 PM
  • now starting my schoolwork that I do at home (oh yeah, teacher's only work until 3PM didn't you know)
And this is only the first day (& it was just a teacher "workday"- no kids, shorter hours); plus my own kids aren't in school/sports yet. It's only going to get busier!

Day 1 down; how many to go? :) Just kidding!


  1. well obviously this teacher needs to work more b/c she spelled the plural of teachers as teacher's.

    you real smart sis!! :) :)

  2. so glad you are here to see my mistakes! :)i'll be sure and work harder this week! ha! ha! ha!
