Monday, September 17, 2007

Bruised Shins & A Heavy Heart

My school year began on the very first day with restraining a child in my classroom who was trying desperately to get away from the class and back to his mommy. It was hard; I left for the day with bruised arms and a very sore back!!! It was gut-wrenching. The next day was another ordeal, but thankfully it was shorter- lived.

Over the past couple weeks, several of us have had to help out in another classroom with children with serious behavior issues. One child has threatened, and carried out on some of those threats, most of us who have worked with him/her.

Today, once again, I had to help restrain a student in our building. It was quite interesting what he had to say to me. I found out that I am a "big, stupid f-----er" several, several times. I also had several "offers", in truth, threats, to be f----ed up & f----ed over- hmmm, never heard it put that way. I was repeatedly threatened with those & other threats to bite me, kick me in the head (which was also done, but it didn't hurt because I'm too tall for a kick to really get me), and just "get me." When all is said & done, I have come home with bruises on my shins, a sore nose, a headache from being headbutted & screamed at, and tired, tired, tired. I was blessed from above that the bites didn't break my skin, that he didn't draw blood on either of us (that's a big blessing!!!!), that he didn't get away from me and out the door, and that although I'm a little sore and tired, I am not hurt and the whole event ended eventually.

It is NOT fun being in that position with a child. And I HATE doing that job. But most of all, it hurts my heart that a small child can be so violent, so angry, and so exposed to the bad in this world. God, how unfair this is!!!!!! Help me to pour Your love into the lives of all the people- little & big- I encounter each day.

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