Monday, September 03, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

It's 4:30 on Labor Day, and I have to be in bed sometime before 6 AM tomorrow. :) I've had a nice weekend overall, and I have gotten a lot done, but it's not going to be enough when bedtime comes calling. Oh well, such is the way of my life (as I'm sure most people also are), and what's new really? :)

This weekend I have been recovering from a BAD, did I say horrible, terrible, awful stomach flu. My pal and assistant, Kristen, and I both had it starting on Thursday. We drug our sorry selves into school on Friday because two little boys in our room need us there. I freaked all my new kids out at school by barfing into the garbage can several times and trying to hide the fact that puke was coming out my hose all while teaching a small group lesson on how to properly use the scissors and glue stick to a table full of Kinders. !!! YUCK !!! One little girl just got up and moved her chair clear across the room after sitting there with eyes clinched tight and her fingers in her ears!

Saturday brought me a checkbook that was three weeks past due for balancing (Yeah, school's back in session!), a pile of bills to pay and a new budget to figure out for the year. I skipped the usual grocery run and saved it for today instead, but finally decided to switch Internet providers. I won't bore myself or anyone else with the details, but it was a nightmare. Thankfully, God sent us a wonderful salesman who came to our house last night and made it all work, spent over two hours at our house getting all the pieces and parts working, even gave us an expensive gizmo (free of charge!) to make my desktop computer wireless! If you ever hear of Clearwire, check them out. They are WAY cheaper than the phone company around here anyway!

Oh, and all this computer stuff led me to bug Rob (sort of) into completely rearranging two rooms in the house. So for my parents, sister, and mom-in-law, the living room is now our computer room and the family room is, well, even nicer now and we hope as we can over the next year or two to buy some furniture to make it look good and be more comfy when you come visit us. :) Be patient with us on that one; we've got a few more payments on the van before we can, but maybe by graduation time. :) :) :)

I've got so much to do for grade level this week (I am the new grade level chair & leadership rep- big thrill), and I still don't have my own lesson plans done or any of the prep work for this week. Still have supper to do and we have to finish setting up our new phone with this sales guy who is coming back by this evening to finish that part.

So much for my extra day off. But at least I spent a lot of time with the kids and Rob and took care of things around here. I may not be ready for school, but I was a good wife and mom this weekend, and Rebekah even rested, went to bed earlier on Friday night and read a few pages in a book! WOW! Happy Labor Day!

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