Saturday, September 08, 2007

Reminders to Self

Attn: Rebekah, Dummy, Slow-to-get-it, and whatever other names I call myself
Re: Reminders to self

Just so you don't take yourself so seriously, or the situations that present themselves, please remember:
  • you are blessed beyond measure & beyond words
  • you are loved beyond measure and more than you know
  • it's not really about you & it never was & never will be (it's supposed to be about Him, remember?)
  • your life's crises (how do you spell that word?) are not really all that bad
  • there are much worse things in life (& you already knew that from your own past experiences, didn't you silly?)
  • you are way too hard on yourself- most others don't see you the way you see yourself
  • just in case you didn't get it the 1st time- you are way too hard on yourself
  • you are allowed to be "not perfect" & it's okay- only God is perfect dummy!
  • everyone has troubles, stresses, and "issues" and it's okay if you do too
  • it's okay if you don't like everything that goes on around you and you don't have to have everyone like you either
  • you are not a failure to God or to yourself or family if you mess up- He will still love you & so will they

Please take note of the above when you are feeling low about yourself or your situations at school, home, family, or whatever else bugs you!

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