Sunday, September 09, 2007

So Far- So Very, Very Far

Boy, did I blow it again this week. What's new? I seem to be so far, so very, very far, from what I should be for God. I am really, completely disgusted with myself. I have been really trying to be positive and trying to be a witness through my actions and words, and this week, I let circumstances get to me. I let things that I knew were not the norm from someone I look up to get me mad/hurt, and I took it all to heart like I had failed completely. This caused me to get more upset and mad at her and at myself more. Then my mouth started moving, and I know I did not please God through my words.

Now, I've been feeling very guilty for being mad, for being so imperfect, for being me.

Today, our pastor talked about running our race. God, I am trying to run the race you've set before me. I stumbled this week, and my knees are a bit skinned up. I'm sorry I fell & let You down, and that I let my mouth and attitude take over for a bit. Please forgive me, and help me to be like You. I don't want to let "earth stuff" get in my way or slow me down on this race. I want to run faster and better. Help me to stay on course and on my feet. Lift me up and help me to quit stumbling over stupid, little things.

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