Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Sunset Rainbow

(This photo doesn't do the rainbow we saw justice, and the colors aren't quite as true as the real thing, but it was still a neat picture.)

I've NEVER seen one like this before. There was no rain out there, just a partly cloudy sky as the sun set. But as Matthew & I drove home from VBS, we saw this rainbow on the edge of a cloud. WOW!!! We hurried home to grab the camera just in time to catch it as it disappeared with the sun's last rays.

I just LOVE rainbows. They so make me think of God and how faithful He is, even when we are not. He keeps His promises, even for centuries and centuries, even when the person He made that promise to (Noah) is long since gone. If only I can be just a part of that kind of faithful to those in my life.

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