Monday, September 01, 2008

Not Much to Say

I kind of have the "blahs." It's been a while since I felt this way, and I'm ready for them to go. They've been creeping in slowly over the past couple weeks, and all the sudden they jumped up and waved hello to me.

It's the end of the weekend and time to go back to work in the morning. I just finished typing up lesson plans, my weekly newsletter, a grade level assessment & agendas for this month's meetings, plus a few other things. So many things to do, and I'm still not done, but I'm calling it a night.

Tomorrow I go to the surgeon. I'm dreading yet another dr.'s visit. :( But I'm praying it goes well, and this dr. is not rude, does not blow me off, does not make me go through a million other tests or do anything too terribly painful. If I have to have surgery I hope it can be done quickly but also not cause me to miss much work. I'm scared if I tell the truth.

I know things will get better and they could be so very much worse. I am thankful that I can look to the hills and know where my help comes from. And I'm thankful for my parents who I talked to this weekend and who helped me by encouraging me, teasing me, and just loving me. I'm thankful for the wonderful family I have here in NC with me without whom my life would mean so very little.

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