Wednesday, November 19, 2008

our new yard in the fall

Well, okay, I recently posted photos from "our yard" which isn't actually "ours" as we rent. BUT, these next photos are going to be our yard- for real. :) And this is how it looks in the fall this year. :) Next year it will even better because we'll be there, living in it. :)

So for now, here are a few photos of the house we signed a contract on today- our first home. 20 years, & 3 months -1day from our wedding, Rob & I are finally being blessed with our first home. :) THANKS GOD!!!!!! You couldn't have given this to two more grateful people!!!!

Here is the new house (soon to be our house) from the corner as you approach. :) It has several big, TALL trees in the back and is a good size city lot (which I'm happy about!)

Here is the house from the street.

Closer view- LOVE the lamppost!!!

covered car parking port thingy- sound like Barbara Rose now :) & the gate into the fenced off backyard

This part of the backyard is right off the house- there is a door from the laundry room out to this enclosed part. The privacy fence needs just a small amount of repair. There is more backyard behind this fence, several large trees, a rusted out shed (maybe we can replace down the road), and this chain-link fenced in area with a small dog run which is all overgrown now, but we'll clear out for Samson to use at least some of the time.

Pop, I've already been thinking how I can move the stones around the tree to include it in part of the flower bed as the roots are sticking out here and there isn't much grass here. :)
From the side of the house looking back behind the privacy fence- the shed is in sad shape & needs to be replaced, but isn't that tree pretty? :) Can you see how tall the trees are? I can't wait to see how this all looks in the spring with the leaves coming back.
From the side of the house looking out towards the corner of the lot & the corner- a nice neighborhood

We went back to the house after signing the contract to pray together & thank God :). Of course while Rob & I walked around, and around, and around and talked, the boys decided to be their usual selves- clowns. Here is Robert trying to pretend to "break in" in front of the ADT security sign. Matthew was the photographer, & of course they got to plotting great poses, like the following. What's more dangerous than one teenaged boy? Two! :)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:15 PM

    VERY NICE! We, like you, are very grateful to God! He is faithful! When we live for Him and trust Him, He always meets our needs. Now you can plant all the flowers you want and enjoy them year after year after year.

    Can't wait to come out next year and see it.

    When you get inside, send more pictures.
