Monday, November 17, 2008

Today's :)'s

Today I am thankful for getting about (give or take a 1/2 hour) 8 hours of sleep last night. Momma, I was in bed at 9:00 to read my Bible, and drifted off sometime after 9:30ish.

I am thankful for being prequalified by a bank for a house loan today. That is an ABSOLUTE, TOTAL, & COMPLETE miracle in itself, as my family only will truly understand how far we've come in just a few years time.

I am thankful that God is in control, regardless of whether I always can see it or know it, and that even when I don't feel too good, He is still there.

He truly does stick closer than a brother, or son/daughter, or husband, or sister, or friend, or mother/father. He loves me- faults and all. I sure need that unconditional love right now it seems more lately.

Well, I'm going to go check my student's work for the day and crash again early. I am so tired and can hardly keep my eyes open.


  1. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Congrats on being approved for a loan! that is awesome!

    God is faithful!

  2. Awesome!! I know a great little house at 26 Brandy Court you can afford. The sellers will practically GIVE it to you!! :-)
    Love you!! MISS YOU!!!!!!
