Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Twelve Days of Vacation- Day 1

Okay, so call me silly, but this is what my insomniac brain came up with at midnight when it didn't want to go to sleep. Work with me people. :)

On the first day of Christmas vacation my family gave to me, a day of shopping & decorating the tree & being silly (well that's a given in our family isn't it?).

So here it goes in reverse order because that's how the pictures loaded:

  1. Being Silly

Robert was laughing so hard he made himself cry. The picture below is bad, but you can see he & I were cracking up laughing. That's why the picture is bad, I was shaking with laughter and couldn't hold still. Want to know why? Look below.

Jessica bought the kids (or the boys? I don't remember) these giant jawbreakers on a stick. Robert's been working on his for a few days, but last night he got well, ummm, "creative." When we looked at this picture, he & I busted out laughing!

2. Decorating the tree
This month has been an absolutely crazy month. At least one of us has had at least one thing or more every single night this month, and we couldn't decorate the tree because on any given night one or two of us (or more) were gone. You know me, silly about our tradition, I didn't want to decorate it and not have everyone here, so we just kept putting it off thinking we'd find a day to do it. I guess I'm going to have to get over that one soon as in the near future, I won't have all the kids here. Hmmmm, I'll do my Scarlett O'Hara imitation now- "I'll think about that tomorrow."

We finally decorated the tree thanks to Rob going and finding the ornaments. And so that Robert knows I am trying to be an honest person, he's not really hanging an ornament here, but posing since he did his ornaments before I got the camera out and I was whining about it. :) :) :)

3. Shopping
We had told the kids we didn't think we'd be able to do Christmas gifts this year. It really bothered me, so Rob & I kept a little cash back hidden in the event we went overdrawn to put in the bank, but if not to use for Christmas. Happily I got paid early & we didn't go belly-up at the bank, so Monday night after I got off work, Rob & I went out on a date, got some dinner, and did a little shopping. It's a "light" Christmas, but I'm thankful for something to give my kids. I didn't think we'd be able to, and I know many who can't, so I'm very grateful. And the really neat thing is the two older ones went out and bought gifts for everyone in the house with their own work $. Awww, they make me so proud. So I gave Matthew some $ to buy gifts too, didn't want him to feel left out.

Today's shopping consisted of:
  • Grocery run to Save-a-Lot with Barbara Rose

  • Walmart with the "B" to finish the groceries, to buy her some pants (long story, short- she's been going around in one pair of capris & one pair of jeans with holes in both hips & the crotch & having to wear shorts under them so she didn't show off her "parts". So one way or another, if I have to use my birthday/Christmas $ to pay for them, she had to have them. B did some shopping she needed to finish, and I snuck in some small stocking items while she wasn't looking. :)
  • After unloading & putting away all the food, fixing a quick supper of mini pizzas, Matthew & I took off again to meet Robert at the mall and all three get our hair cut. Robert joined us in the haircutting adventure when he got off work. While M & I waited on R to finish, we went to Waldenbooks- big mistake. I came out with "one more thing" for the kids, something for Rob (shhh, don't tell) and some books for me. So what if I can't pay the electric bill this month, we'll use candles to read our books. It all works out, right? :)
  • Robert needed ideas for the B's gifts, so he asked me if I'd keep him company while he shopped for her. So we went "around" and got her gifts from him & I bought her something else she needs, but I can't say here as I'm putting it under the tree.
  • Then we came home at 9:30. Whew! I was tired. Then Rob & the kids & I decorated the tree. Mostly I watched and took some silly photos. We watched "It's a Wonderful Life" while we decorated, talked, behaved silly-ily, and Robert ate.

So that is the tale of my first day of Christmas vacation.
Thanks God for such a nice day with my children and Rob.
Thanks for enough- enough $ for what we need a little of what we want sometimes, but not so much $ we wouldn't appreciate it. Enough food (we have plenty of that and never go hungry- been there, done that), enough time (maybe wish for more, but we always make everything work out the way it needs to), enough love (boy do we have that), enough good to be content, enough bad to help us appreciate the good, enough sleep to feel better & function like a half-human :), enough time with my family to keep me going.
Most of all, let me not forget to be thankful for You. You are enough to get me through. Through hard times, through health problems & silly woman hormones, through exhaustion, through work stress & disappointments, through life, through it all, and hopefully someday, through the gates of heaven.
It is really true- You are MORE THAN ENOUGH- in so many ways. Thank You for YOU! Let me not forget the true reason for these special days. Help me to stay focused on You through it all.
Happy Birthday Jesus. Merry Christmas world. Merry Christmas family! Merry Christmas friends!
Love to all,
Rebekah :)


  1. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Grandpa and I always knew Robert had a big mouth. Now we have the picture to prove it.
