Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Twelve Days of Vacation- Day 2

On the second day of Christmas vacation my family gave to me:
  • lots & lots of laughing
  • baking pumpkin pies & cookies
  • wrapping up our presents
  • snuggling with our dog
  • chili & baked potatoes
  • chatting with my momma & sister
  • and making me ha-a-a-ppy. :)

Today was another nice day. I woke up early, but not too early, did some blogging and played sudoku online until the family started getting up. Ate a healthy breakfast, made gifts for my godson, Noah, & his sister, Autumn, ran errands with Rob, braved Walmart one last time, chatted online with my momma & sister, wrapped presents, baked cookies and helped cook supper. Now we're watching Prince Caspian. Robert worked today so he's just now getting to wrap his presents.

In a little while, Rob & I are going on a "Santa run" to leave something to surprise some kids in the morning, and then we're coming home to get in bed before Santa comes here. ;) Oh, and that reminds me, I've been following one of my favorite blogs today too- Santa's blog.

But, most of all, I'm thankful for the first Christmas gift that was given so many years ago. How that single gift changed the world and my life.

Merry Christmas!

Rebekah :)

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