Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Today's thankfuls

Thank you God today for:
  • a day of rest & not going to work
  • a day with a nap to make up for less sleep last night
  • a day home with my hubby & best friend
  • a p.j. day
  • a dr. who is really taking care of me & who takes the time to sit and talk with me and listen and really cares
  • a family that loves me- though they may disagree with me
  • great kids- though they may aggravate me, they're truly great young adults!
  • a job which allows me to love little ones & provides me with a roof over my head, a warm shelter, & food to eat- even if it causes me stress, I know I'm blessed to have a job

I'm working on it God, I really am. I hope You, at least, can see & believe that I want to please You and be healthy.

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