Friday, January 23, 2009

I am in love

I am in love. Really. Truly. Deeply in love.

With whom? Well that's easy!

God first and most! He has never left me and never will. He loves me with all my many faults, my big body, my big mouth, my stupidity, well, it all. I'll NEVER understand why, but He does, and I will forever be grateful.

With my husband, Rob. He has stood by me through it all since I first met him at 16, married him at 17, started our family at 18, and so much more. He kept his promise to my momma and saw me all the way through college when so many said we'd neither one make it. He stuck with me through some very hard and ugly times in our marriage, through three kids in three years while both attending college and him working, through family problems on both sides of our families, through major financial hardships, through hunger & no food, through too many moves to even count any more, including this big one. He's a wonderful father to our three kids, my best friend, and a follower of Christ. What more could I say about him? I love him!

My children- duh! They are wonderful young adults- all almost grown and just about ready to "fly away" from me. I have adored them from before they were born, but oh, how that love has grown. Just to think of it makes my heart so full and my eyes brim with tears.

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