Saturday, February 07, 2009

Happy Saturday

What a busy-great day it was.
  • Insomnia really, truly stinks, but since I was just lying in bed not sleeping, I got up and took Barbara Rose to her high school bright & early. She was happy to have her mommy take her. :) She went to cheer on the chess club members at a tournament.
  • Came home, played on Facebook a bit.
  • Planned this week's menu & grocery list (do this every week)
  • Worked with Robert to clean up and straighten the frig & pantry. Poor guy, I took the better end of that job, and I didn't even apologize! :)
  • Grocery running with Robert today since he was on call and not needed. He made my day when his response to no work was, "Yeah, now I can spend time with my mommy!" :) :) :) I was thrilled with this statement from my soon-to-be 19 year old with a beard!!!
  • Charged (yeah, I know that's not the wisest) a leaf blower today. Matthew and I figured out how to assemble it and use it together. That was fun- no dad having to help me understand, just my baby & I working together to do that. Cool! Of course I should say I sucked up a stem that was too big and thought I broke it, so Rob had to come rescue me anyway, but we started out good. :) We worked on the front flower bed together, then he took over so I could come in and get to work on cooking. We have a list of things that have to be done here at this house before we vacate. The yard is on that list. Figured I could get an early start, and we'll need that power tool at the new house. I like this one because it has a bag and mulches the leaves up, so we can make our own mulch with the dead leaves!!!!
  • A nice surprise awaited me today when I was out in the yard looking around and leaf blowing... we already have daffodils, crocus, & hyacinths coming up all over the yard and getting ready to bloom!!!!! I can't believe it!!!!! I had forgotten that I planted even the few that I had. What a nice surprise. I should get to enjoy these one more time before we move on.
  • Barbara and I cooked our hearts out today. We cooked for a coworker. We also cooked for tomorrow's potluck at church. The guys all pitched in to help cook our supper. Here's everything we cooked: 2 pans of "fruit dessert"- for lack of a better name, but it's oh so yummy (graham crackers on bottom, vanilla pudding with cream cheese whipped in, topped with cool whip and then tons of fresh fruit- kiwi, pineapple, strawberries, and blueberries on top), dirty rice, big bowl of salad, pasta salad, two loaves of breads- pumpkin & cinnamon... I still have to get up and throw the cheesy potatoes in the crock pot tomorrow, but otherwise we're all ready. I would never have gotten that all done without my sweet daughter. She was such a cheerful worker and giving of her time this time around. It also made my day!!!!
  • And the weather- though I LOVE rainy, stormy weather, and of course cheer for snow, today was in the 60's & sunny and just GORGEOUS!!! We had the back door open most of the afternoon and it was so nice. I can't wait to be in our new home with the great lighting in the kitchen having all these fun times together with the doors & windows letting the warm air in.... or sitting at my kitchen table watching it rain & lightning through the sliding doors in the kitchen... Spring is going to be extra especially WONDERFUL this year, and I'm going to be extra especially thankful for it all!!!!
  • Kitchen is all cleaned up, food is being delivered by my sneaky family members for me. ;)
  • I'm TIRED as I am having another round of insomnia for some reason, but I'm so glad I still accomplished that much. It's a good kind of tired. I'm going to try to do a little lesson planning now, maybe read a little, and go to bed, hopefully to sleep tonight. :)
  • Tomorrow I'll get to hear one of the "Lost Boys" from Sudan share his story and photos of his 1st trip home to Sudan in over 20 years. I'm going to enjoy hearing his story and experiences.

Now that I sit here and make my list of today's stuff, I realize I did something small with each of my kids, each of them getting a little time from me, and me a little time with them. WOW!!! What a day! Thanks God!!!

Good night world! Good night God! I'm off to hang with my family and do lesson plans.

P.S. For those who might be reading and would like to know, we got our closing date- Friday, 2/27. We're trying to get it bumped up one day to the 26th as we have some other things going on that Friday, but either way, by the end of this month, we'll have the keys to our 1st home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

It's been a long time coming, and though it still doesn't seem real, I can't wait!!! I'll have to blog more about this blessing another day.

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