Wednesday, February 04, 2009

A Cold Night

I should start by saying that I think I have a sign. Homeless people just seem to come out of the woodwork wherever I go. It's like there' s a sign on my car that says "I'm a softy.." I don't know but I can't begin to name all the places I've been approached. I have been told that I shouldn't give money to those homeless who are begging on the corners or who come up to me in the gas station parking lot or Burger King or Wendy's or even on my own street. I've heard all the reasons, and I know they may even be right.

But, I can't ignore a person who is homeless. I can't. Somehow, when I see them, I just can't see Jesus (if he were right there in bodily form at that same moment as me) just rowing up his window, driving away, and ignoring them either. I really can't. I can't see Him judging them saying things about them just looking for work & getting a job or just being liars and worthless or thinking about how they might really live in a nicer home than He does.... I am sure he wouldn't buy them booze, but what would He have done, say tonight when I was approached at the gas station?

I really don't know. This I do know.

Luke 6:30 says, "Give to everyone who begs from you..." I was SURPRISED to read that last week!!! I've never heard that scripture before.

And of course, there's the good Samaritan. It says in Luke's version that the Samaritan "had compassion when he saw him... he took care of him..." and then Jesus tells his followers, "You, go and do likewise." I've lived my whole life in church hearing this story taught and preached. But, I never really heard this verse applied to the homeless, at least that I can remember. Who did the Samaritan help? A man who had been beaten and robbed. Isn't that what a homeless person is? How much more beaten down and robbed of any kind of decent life can you get than that?

God, I don't know why You would bless me with a good home at birth, Christian parents, a Christian family of my own, a job, a warm place to spend my winter nights, clothes to protect me from the cold, food, blankets aplenty... and why some others aren't blessed. I just can't begin to fathom this. I know it's not fair, and I'm on the blessed end of that. I'll leave that to You because I just will never understand it. All I can say is I am thankful, so very, deeply thankful for this warm home, and all that is in it tonight.

For tonight I'll just ask that You would be with Chris wherever he is now. Help him to find a warmer place out of the wind and the cold. Help him to be safe, to think about what I prayed with him tonight; help him to get to Urban Ministries and find out more about You. Put someone in his path who will pray with him again and again and again as long as it takes to help him find his way to You, to a better life. Keep him warm tonight God. It is cold outside.

Gratefully Yours,


  1. Oh I like your blog! Is this your main one? I know you've visited mine a bit, I was not sure which one to comment on. Great writing :)

  2. Anonymous9:40 PM

    You go girl!
