Monday, February 16, 2009



So consider yourself warned. :) Randomness ahead. :)

Today we signed paperwork for our new homeowner's policy! :) :) :) :) :) And, I came home and set the cancellation date and paid up our renters insurance policy through that date. :) :) :) :) So, the countdown has begun, and we are getting our "ducks in a row" or however that saying goes. ;) Only nine days until we have our own home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are going to put the curtain Barbara Rose bought for our bedroom window for Christmas in the new living room windows. Rob & I have to have our bedroom dark, and these curtains are very thin and sheer. They will look great in the living room at the new house. But there is only one window now and we'll need another set, so last week I found the same curtain on clearance at Wally-world. YEAH! :) So I've got that. I'm going to wash my momma's lace kitchen curtains out and put them up once again in my kitchen and laundry room. I've missed those curtains in this house, so I'm excited to have them up again! So I will do that this weekend. We have to buy our new doorknobs and dead bolt locks so that when they unlock the house we can get that changed right away. It is a HUD house (for nine more days) and apparently all the realtors in the area have a key to that house. YIKES! So we also have to do that this weekend.

I've got to find someone who can help me understand about this homebuyer tax credit thing (if you're reading and can help me out, please comment or email me). I don't know if I'm supposed to wait for the changes to go through or just do it. Either way, I've got to get that done so I can complete Barbara's financial aid application before we start moving.

I was hoping to not have to pay March rent and be out of here by the end of February, but I realized for some really simple reasons that this was another of God's blessings to me. Our spring bulbs are coming up rapidly now. (Did I tell you this already? I forget!) I have daffodils, hyacinths & crocus all close to blooming- crazy I know- it's only February 16th!!! If we'd moved this month, I'd have missed it, but now I'll get to enjoy them one more time! Plus, I have planted a fair amount of perennials over the last couple summers here. By the time mid-March rolls around it will be getting fairly warm, and I can probably risk digging up and transplanting a few at the new house- well maybe. And, God blessed me again! Robert's youth pastor, Dai, is a landscaper and he has offered to move my two Mothers' Day trees to the new house for me! Every time I thought about leaving those two tiny trees my kids got for me, I almost cried, but with March being warmer, they'll be able to move and probably have a good chance of surviving it! It's funny, but even in the little things, sometimes God gives you the tiniest, seemingly insignificant things when He knows they are important (even if silly) to you. Thanks God!

Matthew is trying out for baseball. If you're reading, please pray for him about this. He tried last year, and came close to making it, but just not quite. He REALLY REALLY REALLY wants this. I'm praying he makes it. It would do so much for his self-esteem, his confidence, it would just make him so happy.

Today I had my friend and "old" coworker, Kristen, come visit me for lunch. She ate as my "lunch buddy" with our old students, T & B. It was nice!!! Then tonight I heard from an "old" friend, Tanise, which made my day even if it did make me homesick.

I'm so thankful to God for blessing Robert with another part time job that will pay pretty good and seems like it's going to be a great opportunity for him as he finishes his training. It will provide him with a good amount of $ to start saving for a car which he'll need to get an electrical job when school is done.

Barbara had a great 18th birthday. It hit me last night as I was saying goodnight that this is probably her last birthday while she is "living" at home. Sure, she might not live on campus and stay here, but she thinks and strongly wants to live away from home and on campus. Sure, she'll come home next year and eat with us and spend time with us, but then she'll leave to go back to her apartment, dorm room... This was it, the "last" of her childhood birthdays. It was so nice and a little bittersweet. I didn't dwell on it or blubber, but I let myself cry for a couple minutes, then hugged my baby girl and went on.

I'm about to crash for the night. I'm starting to get to the walking exhausted & half asleep point once again. I've been dizzy & nauseous again. I hate insomnia. I dread going to bed once again because I know in about 3 hours I'll be awake again and spend the rest of the night tossing, turning, half awake... Ugh! But I'm so tired, I've got to try. :)

Well, I told you it was pure random. Sorry about that. Night God. Night all!


  1. I am so happy for you! Keep me informed of your progress.

  2. Good luck with your new house, neighbor (kind of)! Please let me know if you need any help moving.

  3. THANKS Tim, my "kind-of" neighbor and friend!!!

  4. Anonymous5:59 PM

    It's so neat how God cares about the "little" stuff like your trees. Only it's really not little stuff because it's your kids and famiy and that's important to God too.
