Saturday, February 21, 2009

Working, Working, Working

May I just say that teaching sure helps you be a packrat??? Or maybe packrats become teachers??? I'm not sure which way that goes, but one thing's for sure, having taught from preK to 5th grade and tutoring along the way, I've sure got a lot of STUFF!!!!

Ugh! I'm sick of my stuff! I've been going through everything here at the house and have pitched and pitched and pitched! I'm about to take the last of it over to the storage unit with Rob's help.

Next up is to go through all my teacher books and give away or pitch outdated stuff. I hardly have time to go through many of the books so I might as well find new homes for some of them. A few of them are ancient enough I'm sure to be okay saying goodbye too, but I HATE throwing away books. It's just hard, but I can't be a packrat anymore. There's no room at the new house and the storage unit can only hold so much stuff. :)

So, I'm going to shower, head out to the storage place, grab a few groceries to hold us over until payday (we're almost OD- YIKES!), and get back to work. I've still got to pitch, pitch, pitch, pitch.

I keep chanting my mantra in my head, "It will be worth it, so worth it..." I am getting really, really tired.

Only 4 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then the "real" work will begin!

Hopefully it won't take too long to feel like home to us. I'm feeling a bit emotional about the move, my kids growing up, and just missing home a little too. This house is the only place here in NC where I have any "family" memories. I know that will sound silly or maybe just plain crazy, but I feel like I'm about to be lonely again- the only connection in NC to my family back home- leaving this place with some wonderful memories of family time with the five of us, but also my family from "home" coming out here. Oh well, this is a HUGE-MONGOUS blessing happening to us, it will be wonderful & save us money, which we need desperately right now. And it won't be long before we start making new family memories in that house and my family is here to celebrate another graduation. I'm looking forward to making more memories in a home that is finally, truly "ours!" It's been a very long time coming, and I am SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!

For right now, I'm trying to take one day at a time. Back to work I go!

Happy Saturday all!
Rebekah :)

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