Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Almost Done, Almost There

Rob & I stopped by the house this evening to take a peek and see if we could catch the guys working on it. We thought it looked almost done last night. It is! And all I can say is - OH. MY. GOODNESS. WOW!!!!! The contractor even took the time to clean and polish up the kitchen cabinets and they just shine!!! So pretty!!!!!!! Tomorrow they will install the vapor barrier under the house, and the contractor is even going to make us new porch steps to the back door as they are pretty deteriorated, another thing not on our list for him to repair but which he is just going to do for us! We could not be more blessed & thankful or pleased with his work!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know it's silly, but I feel a little guilty for such a blessing when others have it so hard. I know it is part of life, part of God's plan for us...., and there certainly were hard, very lean times in our life- not that long ago, but still I do. So I'm hoping we can use our blessing to bless others; we're trying to do that right now, and I hope He will provide us many opportunities to do so down the road.

I plan on going over tomorrow and taking the "after" photos and posting soon, not sure when, but soon. Well, I'm off to do something- not sure where to even start and so tired, but better try to do something.

My love to all!!!!!!!

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