Monday, March 02, 2009

In Like a Lion

March came in like a lion for sure here in Greensboro! We actually had SNOW, lovely SNOW!!!!
This is the first and last "real snow" we'll see in this house as we're moving in a couple weeks. That made it even more special. I know my family will think I've finally lost it taking and posting so many pictures of snow when they're sick of it and ready for spring! Oh well, what can I say? After four years of no snow, it was a beautiful reminder of home! And today, the world just looks wonderful, even here in the city! Guess it's true- "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." And to me, snow is beautiful!!!!!
Looking up under my magnolia tree.

My poor dogwood tree; it had started budding out and then comes the snow.

As we always used to do since the kids were tiny and we lived in the Midwest, we took a late night walk out in the snow last night- Rob, the boys & I. Barbara didn't want to go out in the cold. :) It was so neat!!!

the magnolia tree by our driveway

Samson's first time to be in any snow of measurable amount. He was trying to decide what to think about the snow, when I caught him by surprise with my flash. I didn't no dogs could squint! :) He DOES NOT like the red light on my camera though, I know that!

our backyard- about 11PM
the front yard at 10 PM or so
The "Aftermath"
our back yard this morning

one of the trees in the front yard actually lost a few limbs

one of our wires hanging way down low this morning

the dogwood tree

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love your snow pictures! It is still nice and fluffy snow here today but bitter cold. Looking forward to warm temps this weekend :)
