Wednesday, March 04, 2009

a profound thought that says how i feel about God

You need to read this; it so speaks how I feel much of the time about God. She hit it right on the head. It's not that I doubt God's power or His ability. I know He can move mountains, create stars, or do any number of miracles. It's just that in the scheme of all the "big" things God can do, I doubt my importance to Him in all that He has to do. How can God have time to deal with my little insignificant, sometimes selfish interests and prayer needs? And this is where I have struggled for so many, many years. She just says it right out. I love how she is so real and open. I wish more Christians were like that.

Anywhooo, Angie wrote something way more beautiful and profound than I could ever think of doing. You will be blessed. Go, read, and have a great day!

Rebekah :0

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Her article was awesome! Thanks for sharing!
