Saturday, March 07, 2009


Just a quick check-in to say that we are busy packing and getting ready for the big move next Saturday! :)

Stopped by the house today to check in with the contractor and make sure he thought he'd still be on schedule before we rented a truck. He actually was about to call us with a question so our timing was perfect! Thanks God! The roof has been repaired. The kitchen floor is coming along, and they picked up our flooring for the living room & downstairs bedroom today and got that ready to go. He also told Rob & I that after he went out on the deck he has decided that he is going to replace the rotting and deteriorating seats & rails on the deck!!!! How awesome is that?!?! We really like this contractor so far; he's been perfect to us and I hope will continue to be so. I'd like to call him back in a couple years to do some work in the upstairs as the kids move out. :)

From the house, we went on to reserve our moving truck, stopped by Lowe's to update the quote for our new frig for the bank (since they took so long and our quote expired!), ran by a small local furniture store to get the quote on replacing the kids' mattresses since they are getting worn out, and the boys are too big for their bunk bed now. Rob & I grabbed a sandwich and took a short drive in the country as it was just so pretty out today. It felt so nice to have the windows down and enjoy some warm, sunny weather!!! I've been busy packing the kitchen most of the afternoon. With M & B's help, we got a lot done! My menu and grocery list for this last week here are made, and I've run out of boxes to pack in.

It's after 10 already, and tonight we lose an hour, so soon we three girls will run by the house to take a quick peak before taking S home to her bed. Soon she'll be living with us permanently which will hopefully be great for all involved. :) I always wanted another daughter, and God has blessed me with a chance to love another young lady almost as much as I love my own. Someday I want to blog about this more, but now is not the time.

The weather was just plain GORGEOUS today! Perfect spring weather, just hope it's here to stay this time. :) Weird weather we've had this week- rain last Saturday turning to ice & snow on Sunday afternoon/evening with 5 inches total of snow/ice! Then a few days later we're in the 60's & 70's- not that I'm complaining. Just a funny weather week! Got to love that old lion known as "March!"

Well, I'm off to take a peak at my house before I put my head and body down to rest.

Night God! Night world!
Rebekah :)

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