Monday, June 22, 2009

New Donors Choose Projects Went Live Last Night!

I'm so excited that my new projects went "live" last night on Donors Choose, and Rob has two new ones for his new school too.

If you know of anyone who would be interested and willing to give a little to a great group of children, and their somewhat silly, but utterly devoted teachers- would you please pass our sites on? Anyone can give any amount- even $1. The great thing about Rob's grants is that the Gates Foundation is covering half of each of his if he can get donors for the other half. If funded, he can get a laptop computer for his students to use in the classroom for research, project presentations and such for just over $300, and an LCD projector to use in class also for just over $300!!!! That's AWESOME!!!! He will be teaching at an alternative middle school in the underprivileged part of the city, so these tools will be a big help and give his kids access to technology they might not otherwise have.

I broke up my bigger grant ideas into smaller ones so they'd have a better chance of getting funded. I often help partially fund my coworkers and some of Rob's and my own, but I can't do it all alone, especially with paycuts.

And, even more importantly, if you pray, would you send up a prayer or two that these projects will get funded for next year! That would be the best thing you can do!

Thanks so much!

Rebekah :)

Rob's projects:
Put It On the Wall- (an LCD projector)
Bringing Technology To the Past & the Classroom- (a classroom laptop computer)

My projects:
Science is Amazing!- (science materials)
Read, Play & Learn- (puppet theater and puppets to go with literature I use in class)
Give Us an Ear- (a wheeled station for my tape player & headphones and books/tapes)
Life is Beautiful- (an incubator and butterfly kit to teach children about how animals grow, change, hatch and about the beauty and fragility of life)
Positively Puzzling- (a puzzle station)
Read, Play, & Learn Some More- (more puppets to go with classroom literature)
We Love Puzzles- (more puzzles)

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