Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Silly Story

Rob is in training with some of his new coworkers at his new school. He came home today with a funny, and I asked him if I could use it here. It just cracks me up!!!! One of these teachers was talking about his two young children- a year apart- aged 2 & 1. The guy said his kids' names are "More" and "No More." HA HA HA Rob told him we had our kids close like that and told them their current ages- 19, 18, and almost 17. The guy asked Rob, "So what are their names, "More, "No More," and "Oops?" :) Rob replied, they were named, "More," "What?!?," and "WOW!!!" Totally cracked me up. See I got pregnant with two very unexpected (shhh, I was even on the pill both times when I showed up prego.) We had our three kids while both going to college and working (Rob trying to do both full time for a while). We aren't your poster people for how to have a family & be well-off, but you know what? We made it, we did it, we graduated, God blessed us with jobs, we are good teachers, and best of all, we have GREAT WONDERFUL AWESOME Christ-serving young men & woman for kids!!!!

So, anywhooo, I Photoshopped a photo from last year and played with it to put their "new" names on it. So without any further ado, introducing our children- More, What?!?, and WOW!!!


  1. More doesn't look to bright :)

  2. Oh that is a great story!! Hilarious! You have three wonderful children :)

  3. :) love the comment sis! cracking me up!

    ruh, thanks! i know i've never met you, but i count you as a friend i hope to meet someday in heaven, if not here on earth.

  4. So funny! Love the new names. I'll have to remember them. We enjoyed having What?!? here in June, WOW!!! in July and More in August to visit with us.
