Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Trying Something New

So, I have been trying something new, a creative outlet for myself. I like to try different crafts, but never have much time. So in an effort to learn to take better care of me, find a way to relax, and all that stuff.... I have started making cards. I'm trying to teach myself some new things (maybe you can teach an old dog a few new tricks...)

Momma and Jessica really liked the cards I made for them and went on and on about them. So, I got either very brave or very stupid and started an etsy site to try to sell some of my little creations. I started my store on Monday night really late, and less than 24 hours later, I had my first purchase. I have been working hard tonight to make more cards to sell plus a few for gifts and such. I'm attaching some photos of some of my creations and the link to my etsy site.

Please pray I can make this work for us. It'd be a really neat way to supplement our income and help my hubby not have to work so many part time jobs. I'd love to do this as my second job and then Rob could cut back to just one "second" part time job himself.

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