Monday, September 14, 2009

my kids can cook!!!!

My kids can sure cook some good food!!! This was Robert's night on the menu (each kid has one night that is their night for which they plan a well-rounded meal of their choice and cook it). Barbara likes to cook vegetarian/meatless stuff but she also likes to cook some of our old standbys and make herself a vegie version- hamburger pie, pasta salad, salad and bread, homemade pizzas. Matthew is our grilling king, and he is getting GOOOOD!!! He makes the best grilled chicken ever; he seasons it with fresh herbs from our herb garden plus other spices in our cabinet. Each time it's a little different, but always yummy. He also cooks a great poached fish! Robert loves to cook foods from all over the world; he has a whole collection of world cookbooks that we've been getting for him for birthdays & Christmas gifts for a couple years now. I think we started this one! :) So tonight's meal was an Iranian dish- Chicken & Eggplant Kouresh with steamed rice and asparagus with hollandaise sauce (I helped him make that part- YUM!).


  1. Momma7:46 PM

    Can't wait until we come next year and they can cook for us!

  2. me too!!!!!!!!!!!!
