Tuesday, September 15, 2009

not a good day

work stinks right now, but i'm trying to remember that i am thankful for a job! :)

i just sat here and wrote a long piece expressing my frustration, but then thought about it and realized no one wants to read that. :) so i just saved it. later on in the year i'll look back on it and see how much improvement has happened and be thankful, so it's a private journal entry i guess.

i'm trying to remember that i do this for God and for the kids and families i serve, that it is a service, that service jobs are dealing with people and are not always pleasant or easy, but that it is a worthy and noble thing i do... even on the hard days.

i'm trying to remember all those things. and God is here trying to encourage me too. the songs on the radio on my way home (K-Love & a local Christian station) well, WOW, they were just the perfect songs for this day!!!! i pulled over into the park down the road from my home, and cried and let off a little steam before coming on home. thanks God for that. i need it!!!

now to go try to figure out yet another way to make this thing work for my kids and me... it's hard when things out of your control mess you up... but i've got to find a way for those 17 kids who call me their "Mrs. Thomas." they're counting on me, and i can't let them down.


  1. Oh Rebecca I am so sorry! Way to pull over and just have yourself a good cry, tho! :) I know the day will get better and way to remember your calling. God will give you the strength that you need to see it through.

  2. Momma7:45 PM

    Love you hon!
