Monday, September 14, 2009

My Not Perfect Kids

It's Monday. Obvious, I know. :) I do NOT feel good, I'm afraid I've got some bug, and I CANNOT miss more work. Booo...

Allow me to tell you about my kids tonight.

I have THE BEST kids. I know if you have some of your own, you think your kids are the best, but you'll just have to accept that mine are actually the best in the world. Mine are by no means perfect; lest you think that, let me assure you otherwise. I've always wondered about those people who have the "perfect" kids- you know those kids who never talk back, don't seem to argue, make the best grades they can make, do all the sports and clubs and all that, send food to starving children around the globe, smile and ALWAYS behave in church... I've worked with a few people who had those kids, or at least acted like they did. Can we say ANNOYING?!?!?!

I'm sure my kids have been the source of more than one after school conversation between teachers at their schools as well as a few of mine. Oh well. My kids are mouthy, argumentative, VERY opinionated, LOUD, sometimes very lazy, definitely very messy. They have made horrible grades at times (one of mine holds the family "grounding record" for longest consecutive time grounded because of grades & is proud of that too let me tell you!), and not-their-best grades their whole lives even though they are all very smart young people. They have done things I am ashamed of and would never talk about to anyone. They have been to the principal's office many times, destroyed private property (there's a good story there), been in ISS, stayed after school, told the teacher off (another good story), climbed toilet stalls & urinals just because someone told them to... In fact, just this afternoon I sent one young adult child to timeout, as it were, for mouthing off at me when I was stupid enough to break up an argument between two of them because they sounded EXACTLY like two of my six year-old students today. Yup, my kids are definitely hard-headed, stubborn, obstinate and HAVE TO HAVE THE LAST WORD AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!!!!!!! I've lived through parenting nightmares, hard times, times I cried all night long, times I wanted to pull all my hair out, thought I'd commit murder or suicide because of the embarrassment they've put me through. I've used almost every implement known to man as a spanking tool- you name it, I've probably tried it.

My kids are far from perfect, and I am thankful for that. Perfect is boring. If my kids had been perfect children, I'd have missed out on some free entertainment, would have no good stories to laugh at and share with others, no memories to cherish, no life lessons learned, I'd be a lot worse parent for the perfection. My kids have taught me so much about God- sooo much and they don't even know it. My understanding of Him has a long way to go, but it's so much better than it was 20 years ago when I was pregnant with my first child. My kids have taught me so very much about life- what really matters, time management, joy, happiness, how to deal with stress and hardship. My kids have made me a better teacher- a lot better! I understand kids more having raised mine and seen all the stages of development a kid goes through, having helped mine learn to read, add/subtract, print, and all those other teachable things. I have learned more about parents from being one, and it has definitely paid off in my work. I can build better relationships with my families because of my kids' imperfections than I'd be able to if my children were the rose-colored model of kids. My hard times and embarrassments as a parent have helped me better understand parents, helped me lessen other parents' mortification when their children have acted up at school. I think it has helped me be more "real" and given me credibility with parents/grandparents. My kids have taught me what love is, how to love, how to give love, show love, be love.

Now those same kids who have at times put my patience to its limits and beyond, who have listened to me lecture, scream, throw a few of my own tempter tantrums (for like them, I am not a perfect mom- poor kids, maybe I am the problem ;) ha ha), those same kids have learned to give back to us, to those around them, to complete strangers, and this mommy could not be more proud of them or more thankful for them than I am now. They help take care of more housework than I do and have for a very long time now. They all know how to do laundry & do their own plus Rob's & mine many times. They can all cook and take turns planning their portions of the menu, planning their part of the grocery list, and preparing their meals for our family, they help contribute to our finances and help out with grocery money, gas in the car when it's low, and now helping pay our phone bill. And remember, they are not perfect, so sometimes they grumble about having to do the dishes or clean the bathroom or any number of other things, but I am seeing them grow up and become thankful and appreciative of their dad & I. And I am LOVING this maturity in them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I say LOVING it???

And as my life is beginning to creep into a new phase, I'm so very thankful for my very imperfect children. So thankful for my time with them, for the memories- good, bad, & ugly. So thankful for the love we have known together and thankful for whatever time we will have together down the road.

Yeah, I am really, truly thankful for stubborn, loud-mouthed, attitude-y, argumentative kids who love me, who give back to me each in their own way. My life is good, no better than that! I am so grateful for my children- imperfections and all. I wouldn't have them any other way!


  1. Momma7:51 PM

    I LOVE this! Funny, honest and so good!

  2. thanks momma!!! i was thinking about sending this in to a parenting magazine or something????
