Saturday, September 04, 2010

Limeades for Learning- please vote

Sonic is doing their "Limeades for Learning" run again this year, only it's better because you don't have to purchase a drink. You can go to this site and vote every day with only your email address. It is really super easy & takes just a minute each day.

Please go visit, find a grant request you like and give it your vote every day. You'll be surprised how much good you'll do and how happy you will make one classroom!

If you are looking for a teacher/classroom to vote for :) :) :), I just happen to know of one or two. Ha ha!

I have three grants up right now, but the one I'm putting all my votes on is my more expensive one for a document camera ("Pix for Learning")- search by location for NC, High Point. My cousin, Lisha, has three up too- search by location for NC, Craven County. You can also find all my fellow AJE teachers' grants by searching for NC, High Point. I can't find Rob's up there right now- going to check on that. Maybe he's gotten funded. :)

Thanks again!!!


  1. We love Sonic - there is one just down the block! This is a great idea :)

  2. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Congratulations on getting your project funded. I have been voting everyday.

  3. Dear anon, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My hubby is still looking for funding as is my 2nd cousin and lots of teachers at my school. I would so appreciate it if you felt like sharing the love with one of them too! (((hugs)))
