Wednesday, September 01, 2010


Yeah, I know what I said here. And in my heart of hearts, that is so what I feel about the children & families at my school.

But I have to say, it's the stupid 6th day of school, and here goes the same old theme. Feel free to stop reading now, because it's not like I haven't whined about this before and probably will again. I just need to get it off my chest, as it were. The junk is about to start again, and I'm just so tired. Tired of being blamed, tired of working yourself to death never being enough, tired of late nights not being late enough to do what "they" want, tired of the sacrificial spending & giving I and my colleagues do not being recognized, appreciated, or acknowledged, or when it is, it's done in some "yeah, but" kind of way, tired of being condescended to by people who didn't teach long enough to really know what they are talking about or who stunk at it when they did so they now do something else.

Tired, plain & simple.

I don't know if I can do this much longer. But what else am I fit to do?

1 comment:

  1. How is it those in charge are the ones that were in the classroom for maybe three years before moving up? I swear, I think there should be a minimum of TEN YEARS required in the classroom before you can be an ASSISTANT admin. THEN, a principal, THEN at the district level...

    You know you have my prayers, my friend. Hang in there.

