Wednesday, January 26, 2011

busy, busy, busy

Tomorrow is an all-day meeting for the third grade team; not sounding like it will be a great day, but I'm going to try to get through it as best I can.

After school today I:
  • dealt with a continuing tech issue that has been a major problem all year- a Palm Pilot I'm supposed to have to do assessments, but have had a broken one. I finally got one today and had to have a little help to get it connected to the software, but it's FINALLY up & running, and on Friday I can start trying to catch up to my teammates and get these tests done!
  • picked up Barbara at the Y where she has her swimming course (next to the community college) & headed off to Wally-world.
  • ate Matthew's yummy stir-fry/rice dinner! THANK YOU Matthew for cooking dinner for us! :)
  • made a big bowl of pasta salad to take to our meeting tomorrow & then my boys helped me make a big bowl of pico de gallo as someone asked me to make that too. I LOVE cooking with my boys!!!!
  • went for a walk with my hubby! :) It's a cool, rainy evening and I'm tired, but we made it. :) I LOVE my husband!!!! He is my best friend, and the one who really "gets it" with me. I'm so thankful for you, Rob, not that you'll ever see this. :)
Now I've got paperwork to do for school, and then I'm going to try to put off the rest of my to-do list for another day and head to bed. Grad school will hopefully keep for another night. Yikes!!! I've got to be up early so I can get everything ready for the sub, and get all my food into the meeting place and get my paperwork and self ready for our meeting. I kind of feel like I'm going into the fiery furnace, but that's probably a little melodramatic. :) :) :)

My list for today:
  1. I walked just over 2 miles today at work alone!!!! WOW!!!! By the time I hit the sack tonight I'll have over 4 miles on my pedometer!!!! :) :) :)
  2. I must be a good mom. I see my kids and their love for me & how concerned they are for me, how they want to come to my defense. It's sweet and really touches me!!! I did something right in raising them because they are really, TRULY wonderful young adults!!!
  3. I had a better attitude today and didn't get too angry today. Momma & I were sort of talking through FB last night about this, and that anger isn't bad, but I always feel horribly, HORRIBLY guilty when I get mad. Working on this though.
  4. I made one of my boys laugh at lunch today when he saw me humming a song and dancing around with another student. :) I think he was surprised to see his teacher like that. Someone asked him, "What, you didn't know Mrs. Thomas was cool?" He shook his head and grinned. :)
Paperwork is calling me. Pray for our team tomorrow. It promises to be quite an "interesting" day.

Rebekah :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I hope today went better than you thought it would. :fingers crossed:

    I LOVED your list today! You ARE an amazing mama, and wow, 4 miles? You're my hero! I'm lucky to get 300 steps anymore...

