Thursday, January 27, 2011

My hubby, the practical joker

As I type, my hubby is playing a practical joke on our oldest. He has been secretly pouring salt in Robert's coffee right in plain sight, but Robert hasn't noticed yet. He just went in the kitchen, and Rob starting just emptying a salt shaker into his coffee. I am about to die laughing and trying to not give it away. :) hahahahahahahaha- He finally drank some coffee. Hilarious!!!!!!!

I love this family! I wonder if he'll start pranking me when the kids are gone. I'm going to work on that- I'll have to start joining him or think of ways we can prank our kids together still. ;)

We had the grade level " planning/data day" today- oh how interesting that was. Yeah. 'Nuf said.

I came home and made chicken/bean tacos- YUMMY- and ate some more delicious pico de gallo- I could eat that stuff every day I think! Good stuff! And now, we play pranks on each other and laugh, so I am content. :)

My :) list for today:
  • I make myself laugh and sometimes, others too. I like that. Mandy and I sat together today and that was helpful, and we made each other laugh at times- we needed that today!!!
  • I spoke up a couple times today- it didn't get me far, but I tried.
  • I had my own private rebellion- on the inside- and it felt good. I didn't do anything ugly or not Christ-like; I didn't harm anyone else, but it sure helped me get through the day! :) If I told you here, well you'd see that "real me" I keep trying to tell people about. So I won't tell you (I'll be a hypocrite), and I will just let you think I'm nice. :) hahahahahahhahahaha- insert wicked laugh here
See you later! I'm off to try to walk, work on some grad school, and hopefully go to bed & sleep tonight! :) Thank God tomorrow is Friday!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to read you survived the day.

    And, I'm SO happy you have a family you can laugh with. That makes everything all right. :o)
